Monday, November 24, 2014

Math Journals - What Now?

Freebie Monday! Here are the final anchor charts I have made to complete your Math Journals!  Click on the pictures for a free download!

I have shown you at least 20 anchor charts for your students to put together into their own Math Journal.  Now I want to help you put them together and will begin to add activities to go with them.  If you think there is an anchor chart I need to add, just let me know in the comments below!

Here are the completed Math Journals!
Notice they are in protected sleeves.

The students can go through and find information on their own, building confidence and independence!

Can you think of other anchor charts I should add?
Click on the top to pictures to download the final freebies!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Why Reinvent the Wheel?

Hello all!  I made it through surgery and am recovering on the other side.  Thank God for pain pills!  I also found out that I am cancer free! 

For this week's Monday Freebies I'm cheating a little bit.  I have not been 100% so I did not create a lot of new anchor charts.  Instead, I am sending you to another website that has some fantastic ones already created that I have used in my classroom.  Click on the pictures below to go link to "Step Into 2nd Grade with Mrs. Lemons."

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Doubles, Number Forms and More

Brrrr...November has arrived and there is a definite chill in the air.  We live just below Pike's Peak, and the wind that comes off the mountains can be fierce!  The snow on the mountain is absolutely beautiful, though.

Monday is here and with it comes another set of freebies!  This week is a big one because I am scheduled to have surgery this Thursday and I am afraid I might still be drooling on pain medications for next week.

If you go back to my blog post on October 13, 2014, you will see that I have started Math Journals, a resource for students to help them use references and gain independence.  By the end of this series you will have twenty or more forms to use in your classroom.  At some point my goal is to give you creative teaching activities to go with these skills, but for now I am hoping this will be a good start.  Click on each picture for free downloads!